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Being a #Millennial at the ASALH Conference

As many of you know, I am at the Association for the Study of African-American Life and History Conference (ASALH) in Richmond, Virginia. I have been here since Wednesday and I have learned so many things that I can use in my teaching such as: innovative ways to present the curriculum and finding ways to add culture into the lecture. This conference has shown me that I can be a Millennial and still make a difference in the world of African-American studies. My major field is Mathematics but I have done presentations and research on #BlackLivesMatter and #PoliceBehavior and its effect on African-American Men.

I also learned that I enjoy coming to conference by myself so that I can get to know people from different areas. It is easy to come to a conference with friends but your current connections could slow down your willingness to meet new connections in your field. Also, I have learned a wealth of information from eating dinner with the 60+ age group. They are very accepting of me and my work in academia. Mind you, some of these people are complete strangers but they are very welcoming. Each conference should be more welcoming to first-timers and new academics. It pays to have kindness in your heart as you help others to navigate the world of academia.

Today, I had the opportunity to serve as a Discussion Facilitator for the film "Wilhemina's War". It was the most amazing movie that I have seen on perseverance and dedication. Wilhemina is a grandmother who is taking care of her daughter and granddaughter as they experiences challenges of having HIV. See the Discussion below for more information on the movie.

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